

時(shí)間:2020-11-15 12:47:23 Negotiation 我要投稿


  1. Brainstorming頭腦風(fēng)暴對話


  Dialogue 1

  A: Have you thought up any good ideas for our business proposal?

  B: I haven't come up with anything good yet. Somehow my brain isn't functioning today.

  A: Maybe you should take a break, you've been sitting at your computer for three hours trying to put something together. No wonder your mind isn't very sharp now.

  B: I came up with a few different thoughts on the proposal, but now I've completely run out of ideas.

  A: Maybe we can shelve the proposal for a while while you brainstorm.

  B: We could do that, but I hate to put everything on hold.

  A: You're right, it's no good to have things up in the air for too long.

  Dialogue 2

  A: We've got to come up with a way to solve this problem! No one is getting all their work done during the work day. We need to do some brainstorming to come up with a time-management solution for our office.

  B: Well, what do you suggest? It's not that we are all wasting a lot of time. Fact is, we're understaffed. People just have too much to do.

  A: So you think we should hire some new people? That is one possible solution. What else could be the problem?

  B: Maybe we do have some problems with time-management. If people were always on time to work, they might get more done in the morning before lunch.

  A: That's true. Also, maybe we could shorten the lunch break from one hour to forty five minutes. That would add a little time to everyone's day.

  B: Fifteen minutes would be good, but I wonder if it would make a big impact on the employees' output. I still think it's a problem with too much workload.

  A: We ended up right where we started. Maybe it is time to look for some temp workers to help with a few projects. That would lighten everyone's load.

  2. Commuting通勤主題對話

  Dialogue 1

  A: Where's Bill? The ambassador is already here. The meeting is set to start at 9 am.

  B: He's late again. Traffic is probably holding him up. You know, he commutes from the suburbs. It's not easy commuting every day. We should cut him some slack.

  A: Even though the trafic is bumper-to-bumper out there, I don't think it's heavy traffic that makes Bill late. He takes the train, remember?

  B: Oh, that's right. Well, the train shouldn't be late. That means there is only one explanation.... Bill must have overslept.

  A: Well, to be fare, since he's coming all the way from Lancaster, he's got to get up much earlier than the rest of us. He must get start on his commute about 6:30, no telling what time he actually gets up.

  B: That's right, because he's got to get to the train station from his house, then take the blue line into the city, then switch trains to the red line. In all, the trip's got to take more than 2 hours.

  A: Why doesn't he just drive to work?

  B: It's too difficult to park your car in the city. Also, the traffic coming in from the suburbs is a nightmare.

  Dialogue 2

  A: I can't wait until my car is repaired. The commuting with public transportation is killing me.

  B: It can't be that bad.

  A: But it is! Take this morning for example. The subway was so packed this morning, I got totally squished by about a hundred busy commuters on the way to work.

  B: At least the subway is better than the bus. It's faster for one thing. And usually less crowded. But the drawback is that the subway is more expensive than the bus. It adds up over time, if you take it every day.

  A: That's true. The bus is even worse. Just thinking about taking the bus every day makes me tired! Hey, how do you get to work every day?

  B: I ride my bike. I don't live too far away, so it's pretty convenient. it's only about a ten minute bike ride from my house to the office.

  A: I'll bet it's good exercise, too...a good way to keep fit.

  B: Yes, not only a good way to keep in shape, but a good way to relieve stress as well. While you're stressed out by your commute, I'm releasing all the stress of the day with mine.









